Letter to Fred Upton, Chairman Committee on Energy and Commerce - Hearing on National Climate Assessment


The Honorable Fred Upton
Committee on Energy and Commerce
2125 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Chairman Upton:

We are writing to request a hearing on the third National Climate Assessment, which was released earlier this week. This comprehensive report presents the latest science on the national and regional impacts of climate change.

Over the past three years, our full and subcommittee ranking members have written over 30 letters requesting hearings with climate scientists and other experts. We are joining with them in making this request because the National Climate Assessment is the most authoritative statement of the science on climate change impacts in the United States. It was written by a team of over 300 experts, overseen by the National Climate Assessment and Development Advisory Committee, and reviewed by the National Academies of Science. The report received over 4,000 public comments before it was finalized.

We have different views about what policies are appropriate to respond to climate change. But we share the view that we should be listening to the best scientists and making informed decisions. The Energy and Commerce Committee, which is the committee with jurisdiction over the nation's energy laws, has a special obligation to hold these hearings.

We urge you to schedule a hearing on the National Climate Assessment so that members can hear the latest science.

